New Delhi. A user on Reddit has shared his problems and experiences with the working environment in Indian corporates and startup companies. He has listed out the “unspoken” rules that according to him lead to a toxic culture in Indian workplaces. The user has particularly highlighted problems with the excessive use of Hindi and other languages, being accidentally excluded among colleagues, and participation in social gatherings.
Language barriers and loneliness
In this Reddit post, the user explained how the excessive use of languages other than English at the workplace, especially Hindi, can make the working environment toxic. He said that an employee enter a meeting where the conversation starts in English as a courtesy, but after a while people start talking in Hindi rapidly, which makes non-Hindi speaking employees feel uncomfortable and isolated, and they often have to miss out on inside jokes and references. In this type of environment, the process of bonding and building relationships becomes difficult.
Smoking breaks and office politics
The user then pointed out that casual conversations that take place during smoking breaks become the main part of networking at the workplace. “If you don’t smoke you are left out of important conversations, and your career growth can also be affected,” he said. Similarly, employees who don’t drink alcohol at office parties are labelled “boring”, which affects social harmony.
Workplace politics and discomfort
The Reddit user also said that Indian corporate workplaces often feel like high school cliques, where your social status depends on your behaviour and habits rather than your skills. If you fall outside the mainstream, you are excluded and your career can be affected.
Viral post and employee reactions
The post soon gained attention and went viral, garnering over 1,200 upvotes. Many employees also shared their experiences and how they face such “toxic” rules at their workplace. One user wrote, “Smoking and drinking have become part of the ‘culture’, and it is extremely difficult to change, especially when the higher management is also part of the problem.” The post highlighted the problems of social connectivity, workplace politics, and inclusivity in Indian workplaces, and the need to spread awareness to change it.