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Daredevil Performs Pushups on a Moving Plane Engine – Watch Now!

Pushups on engine of moving plane
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New Delhi. A 23-year-old bodybuilder and fitness influencer Presley Ginoski shared a video of himself doing pushups in the engine of a commercial jet at Sydney Airport, causing a stir on social media. The video was posted on TikTok with the caption – Quick pump before flight.  The video went viral in no time. However, it faced widespread criticism due to the carelessness of this stunt. Sydney Airport officials issued a strong statement regarding this stunt. He said that “Sydney Airport has zero tolerance for unsafe behavior. We take all reports of security violations seriously and have strict protocols to ensure security policies are followed.” The airport criticized Ginoski’s actions and said that they would take appropriate action, after which the investigation process was started.

Presley Ginoski clarified

After this controversy, Ginoski defended his action and claimed that he had taken all safety precautions before shooting the video. He said that the video has been misinterpreted and should not be taken seriously. Ginoski explained that the plane was stable at the time of the video shoot and the flight was not to start until the next day. He also clarified that the engine was off and this whole situation happened only due to air turbulence.

Purpose of the video explained

Ginoski explained in his interview that his purpose was to make the video humorous and he wanted to show the scenario of exercising after landing from the plane. He said that many people have forgotten that it was completely safe.  The seating position in the plane was completely normal and it was not an unusual incident.

Reaction on social media

After posting the video, he faced people’s reaction to it. There were mixed reactions to this incident on social media, some considered it dangerous while some called it funny and entertaining.

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