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Indian Army Contingent Departs for India-US Joint Special Forces Exercise ‘VAJRA PRAHAR’

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New Delhi (PIB): The Indian Army contingent departed today for the 15th edition of India- US joint Special Forces Exercise VAJRA PRAHAR. The exercise is scheduled to be conducted from 2nd to 22ndNovember 2024 at Orchard Combat Training Centre in Idaho, USA. Last edition of the same exercise was conducted at Umroi, Meghalaya in December 2023. This will be second exercise of the year between Indian and the US Army, the previous being Exercise YUDH ABHYAS 2024, conducted at Rajasthan in September 2024.

Contingents of both the countries taking part in the joint exercise will comprise 45 personnel each. The Indian Army contingent will be represented by Special Forces units and the US Army contingent will be represented by Green Berets of US.

Aim of Exercise VAJRA PRAHAR is to promote military cooperation between India and the US through enhancement of interoperability, jointness and mutual exchange of special operations tactics. The exercise will enhance combined capabilities in executing joint Special Forces Operations in desert/ semi desert environment. The exercise will focus on high degree of physical fitness, joint planning and joint tactical drills.

Drills/ aspects to be rehearsed during the exercise will include planning a Joint Team Mission, Reconnaissance Mission, employment of Unmanned Aerial Systems, execution of Special Operations, actions of Joint Terminal Attack Controller and Psychological Warfare in Special Operations.

Exercise VAJRA PRAHAR will enable the two sides to share their best practices and experiences for conduct of joint Special Forces Operations. The exercise will facilitate developing inter-operability, bonhomie and camaraderie between soldiers of both the countries.

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