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Despite negations underway, union leaders incite workers to protest at NMDC mines

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Hyderabad, March 9 (by Vivek, BharatNeeti): Becoming a victim of an organized plot, around 4,000 workers have declared protest at NMDC mines, over wage revision which is already under consideration, sources said.

Wage revision is a routine process which happens at an interval of every 5 years.

The final decision over the latest revision is pending at Ministry of Steel. However even as a positive outcome awaits for welfare of NMDC and its workers, some union leaders have misguided the workforce and motivated them to go on protest, people aware of the development informed BharatNeeti.

The workers have gone for protest from 6th of March at NMDC’s Bailadila iron ore mine in Chhatisgarh and Donimalai iron ore mine in Karnataka, which has affected the production.

The miner has informed the Steel Ministry about the motivated protest and said that if the situation continues then it could also affect the 48 million tonne production target of NMDC for 2024-25 financial year.

NMDC has already intimated the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) at New Delhi that the trade unions have resorted to willful slowdown of work and work-to-rule.
Last wage revision was done in 2017 and the next revision was due in 2022.

However, the unions submitted their charter of demands (COD) in February 27, 2023, post which the company and unions reached a consensus in August 2024.
The matter was then referred to the ministry of steel for their confirmation.

The NMDC management has been pursuing the case with the ministry and has been timely updating the union leaders about the outcome.

A decision is likely anytime from the ministry for the welfare of both company and its workers.

The workers may have been incited by some union leaders who possibly want to fulfill their interest.

They might have hidden the fact that the company is already pursuing the matter with the Steel Ministry, on behalf of the workforce.

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